Tuesday 12 June 2012

Sydney Insider goes to Japan (Part 2)

I remember vividly the day before, I woke up and it was winter in Sydney. Now I am in Japan and it's summer! Anyway, I decided to put on a light long sleeved tee as I would be going to a whole day school event. The Undoukai or sportsfest. In Manila it's similar to  the Family Day cum Field Demo Day and in Sydney it's the Athletics School Carnival plus Cultural Day.

Rewind. I woke up to this view from the bedroom window.
This is absolutely far from the view I get in Sydney. One, houses are not this close together in my suburb. There's more space and it follows that the gardens do not look so cramped as these. Two, the Japanese have a more passionate approach in taking good care of their gardens. There is definitely art involved. I simply adore them. See next pic.

My sister lives on a hill (or is it a mountain).  

If you go all the way down, you reach Oppama station. It's quite busy down there in comparison to the tranquility up the residential areas.

A few alleys and about a kilometer from the station is the Uragou Primary School. Here are some photos of the sportsfest.

Where is the Nikon DS3200 when you need one, huh?

Lunch is a nice shumai bento.  I love it!

At 3:00 p.m. it's pack up time.  My sister and I stopped for a coffee and a slice of cake (yes, we shared one piece! sweet!) at Doutur Coffee shop. Then we headed for home. Finally, here is one Japanese technology that caught my attention and I want to share with you. 

It's the only one in this street, by the way.  I was told, in Japan you cannot buy a car unless you've got a space to park your car first and foremost.

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